start: 2021-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-30 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_CTP","currency":"FUTURES"}]
args: [["ContractType","rb2210",360008]]
////////////////////////////////////////// MTF Stochastic & RSI Strategy ©️ bykzis /////////////////////////////////////////
// *** Inspired by "Binance CHOP Dashboard" from @Cazimiro and "RSI MTF Table" from @mobester16 *** and LOT OF COPY of Indicator-Jones MTF Scanner
//strategy('MTF RSI & STOCH Strategy', overlay=false,initial_capital=100, currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.01, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent)
// Pair list
var string GRP1 = '══════════ General ══════════'
overbought = input.int(80, '超买 水平', minval=1, group=GRP1)
oversold = input.int(20, '超卖 水平', minval=1, group=GRP1)
/// Timeframes
var string GRP2 = '══════════ Timeframes ══════════'
timeframe1 = input.timeframe(title="时间框架 1", defval="60", group=GRP2)
timeframe2 = input.timeframe(title="时间框架 2", defval="30", group=GRP2)
timeframe3 = input.timeframe(title="时间框架 3", defval="15", group=GRP2)
timeframe4 = input.timeframe(title="时间框架 4", defval="5", group=GRP2)
// RSI settings
var string GRP3 = '══════════ RSI settings ══════════'
rsiLength = input.int(14, minval=1, title='RSI 周期', group=GRP3)
rsiSource = input(close, 'RSI 数据源', group=GRP3)
rsioverbought = input.int(70, 'RSI 超买 水平', minval=1, group=GRP3)
rsioversold = input.int(30, 'RSI 超卖 水平', minval=1, group=GRP3)
/// Get RSI values of each timeframe /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rsi = ta.rsi(rsiSource, rsiLength)
callRSI(id,timeframe) =>
rsiValue = request.security(id, str.tostring(timeframe), rsi, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off)
RSI_TF1 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe1)
RSI_TF2 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe2)
RSI_TF3 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe3)
RSI_TF4 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe4)
/////// Calculate Averages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
calcAVG(valueTF1, valueTF2, valueTF3, valueTF4) =>
math.round((valueTF1 + valueTF2 + valueTF3 + valueTF4) / 4, 2)
// Stochastic settings
var string GRP4 = '══════════ Stochastic settings ══════════'
periodK = input.int(14, '%K 长度', minval=1, group=GRP4)
smoothK = input.int(3, '平滑 K', minval=1, group=GRP4)
stochSource = input(close, 'Stochastic 数据源', group=GRP4)
stochoverbought = input.int(70, 'Stochastic 超买 水平', minval=1, group=GRP4)
stochoversold = input.int(30, 'Stochastic 超卖 水平', minval=1, group=GRP4)
/// Get Stochastic values of each timeframe ////////////////////////////////////////////////
stoch = ta.sma(ta.stoch(stochSource, high, low, periodK), smoothK)
getStochastic(id,timeframe) =>
stochValue = request.security(id, str.tostring(timeframe), stoch, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off)
Stoch_TF1 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe1)
Stoch_TF2 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe2)
Stoch_TF3 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe3)
Stoch_TF4 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe4)
AVG_STOCH=calcAVG(Stoch_TF1, Stoch_TF2, Stoch_TF3, Stoch_TF4)
plot(AVG, color = color.blue, title='RSI')
plot(AVG_STOCH, color = color.yellow,title='STOCH')
hline(rsioversold, color=color.lime)
hline(50, color=color.white)
//============ signal Generator ==================================//
if AVG <= rsioversold and AVG_STOCH <=stochoversold
strategy.entry('Buy_Long', strategy.long)
strategy.close("Buy_Long",when=(AVG_STOCH >=70 and AVG >=50 and close >=strategy.position_avg_price),comment="Long_OK")
if AVG >=rsioverbought and AVG_STOCH >=stochoverbought
strategy.entry('Buy_Short', strategy.short)
strategy.close("Buy_Short",when=(AVG_STOCH <=30 and AVG <=50 and close <=strategy.position_avg_price),comment="Short_OK")