start: 2025-01-27 00:00:00
end: 2025-02-26 00:00:00
period: 2m
basePeriod: 2m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_CTP","currency":"FUTURES"}]
args: [["ContractType","p888",360008]]
strategy("专业级交易系统", overlay=false, close_entries_rule = "ANY")
x1 = input.float(1.5,"atr倍数",step=0.1)
x2 = input.int(50,"k线数量",step=1)
s1 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
s2 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1)
s3 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(2)
s4 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(3)
s5 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(4)
s6 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(5)
s7 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(6)
s8 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(7)
s9 = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(8)
c = strategy.position_size,o = strategy.opentrades
ema12_len = input.int(12,"EMA12长度")
ema144_len = input.int(144, "EMA144长度")
ema169_len = input.int(169,"EMA169长度")
ema576_len = input.int(376, "EMA576长度")
ema676_len = input.int(576,"EMA676长度")
ema12 = ta.ema(close,ema12_len)
ema144 = ta.ema(close, ema144_len)
ema169 = ta.ema(close, ema169_len)
ema576 = ta.ema(close, ema576_len)
ema676 = ta.ema(close, ema676_len)
e3 = ta.valuewhen(o ==2 and o[1] == 1 and c > 0,bar_index,0)
e4 = ta.valuewhen(o ==3 and o[1] == 2 and c > 0,bar_index,0)
e5 = ta.valuewhen(o ==4 and o[1] == 3 and c > 0,bar_index,0)
le1 = false
le1 := c <= 0 and ema12 > ema144 and ema144 > ema169 and ema169 > ema576 and ema576 > ema676 and low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and close > ema169? true : close < ema169 or ema12 < ema144 ? false : le1[1]
le11 = false
le11 := le1 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
le2 = false
le2 := c > 0 and o == 1 and o[1] == 1 and ema12 > ema144 and ema144 > ema169 and ema169 > ema576 and ema576 > ema676 and low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and close > ema169? true : close < ema169 or ema12 < ema144 or o < 1? false : le2[1]
le21 = false
le21 := le2 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and o == 1 and o[1]==1,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
le3 = false
le3 := c > 0 and o == 2 and o[1] == 2 and ema12 > ema144 and ema144 > ema169 and ema169 > ema576 and ema576 > ema676 and low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and close > ema169? true : close < ema169 or ema12 < ema144 or o < 2? false : le3[1]
le31 = false
le31 := le3 and bar_index - e3 > 50 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and o == 2 and o[1]==2,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
le4 = false
le4 := c > 0 and o == 3 and o[1] == 3 and ema12 > ema144 and ema144 > ema169 and ema169 > ema576 and ema576 > ema676 and low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and close > ema169? true : close < ema169 or ema12 < ema144 or o < 3? false : le4[1]
le41 = false
le41 := le4 and bar_index - e4 > 50 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and o == 3 and o[1]==3,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
le5 = false
le5 := c > 0 and o == 4 and o[1] == 4 and ema12 > ema144 and ema144 > ema169 and ema169 > ema576 and ema576 > ema676 and low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and close > ema169? true : close < ema169 or ema12 < ema144 or o < 4? false : le5[1]
le51 = false
le51 := le5 and bar_index - e5 > 50 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(low < ema144 and low[1] > ema144 and o == 4 and o[1]==4,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
d1 = ta.valuewhen(o == 1 and o[1] == 0 and c > 0,ta.lowest(12),0)
d2 = ta.valuewhen(o == 2 and o[1] == 1 and c > 0,ta.lowest(12),0)
d3 = ta.valuewhen(o == 3 and o[1] == 2 and c > 0,ta.lowest(12),0)
d4 = ta.valuewhen(o == 4 and o[1] == 3 and c > 0,ta.lowest(12),0)
d5 = ta.valuewhen(o == 5 and o[1] == 4 and c > 0,ta.lowest(12),0)
if le11 and close > ema12 and o == 0
if c > 0 and o > 0
strategy.exit("出场1","l1",limit = 2*s1- d1,stop= d1,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场11","l1",stop= d1)
if le21 and close > ema12 and o == 1
if c > 0 and o == 2
strategy.exit("出场2","l2",limit = 2*s2- d2,stop= d2,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场21","l2",stop= d2)
if le31 and close > ema12 and o == 2
if c > 0 and o == 3
strategy.exit("出场3","l3",limit = 2*s3- d3,stop= d3,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场31","l3",stop= d3)
if le41 and close > ema12 and o == 3
if c > 0 and o == 4
strategy.exit("出场4","l4",limit = 2*s4- d4,stop= d4,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场41","l4",stop= d4)
if le51 and close > ema12 and o == 4
if c > 0 and o == 5
strategy.exit("出场5","l5",limit = 2*s5- d5,stop= d5,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场51","l5",stop= d5)
if c > 0 and ema12 < ema144
es3 = ta.valuewhen(o ==2 and o[1] == 1 and c < 0,bar_index,0)
es4 = ta.valuewhen(o ==3 and o[1] == 2 and c < 0,bar_index,0)
es5 = ta.valuewhen(o ==4 and o[1] == 3 and c < 0,bar_index,0)
se1 = false
se1 := c >= 0 and ema12 < ema144 and ema144 < ema169 and ema169 < ema576 and ema576 < ema676 and high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and close < ema169? true : close > ema169 or ema12 > ema144 ? false : se1[1]
se11 = false
se11 := se1 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
se2 = false
se2 := c < 0 and o == 1 and o[1] == 1 and ema12 < ema144 and ema144 < ema169 and ema169 < ema576 and ema576 < ema676 and high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and close < ema169? true : close > ema169 or ema12 > ema144 or o < 1? false : se2[1]
se21 = false
se21 := se2 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and o == 1 and o[1]==1,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
se3 = false
se3 := c < 0 and o == 2 and o[1] == 2 and ema12 < ema144 and ema144 < ema169 and ema169 < ema576 and ema576 < ema676 and high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and close < ema169 ? true : close > ema169 or ema12 > ema144 or o < 2? false : se3[1]
se31 = false
se31 := se3 and bar_index - es3 > 50 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and o == 2 and o[1]==2,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
se4 = false
se4 := c < 0 and o == 3 and o[1] == 3 and ema12 < ema144 and ema144 < ema169 and ema169 < ema576 and ema576 < ema676 and high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and close < ema169? true : close > ema169 or ema12 > ema144 or o < 3? false : se4[1]
se41 = false
se41 := se4 and bar_index - es4 > 50 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and o == 3 and o[1]==3,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
se5 = false
se5 := c < 0 and o == 4 and o[1] == 4 and ema12 < ema144 and ema144 < ema169 and ema169 < ema576 and ema576 < ema676 and high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and close < ema169 ? true : close > ema169 or ema12 > ema144 or o < 4? false : se5[1]
se51 = false
se51 := se5 and bar_index - es5 > 50 and bar_index - ta.valuewhen(high > ema144 and high[1] < ema144 and o == 4 and o[1]==4,bar_index,0) < 12 ? true : false
ds1 = ta.valuewhen(o == 1 and o[1] == 0 and c < 0 ,ta.highest(12),0)
ds2 = ta.valuewhen(o == 2 and o[1] == 1 and c < 0,ta.highest(12),0)
ds3 = ta.valuewhen(o == 3 and o[1] == 2 and c < 0,ta.highest(12),0)
ds4 = ta.valuewhen(o == 4 and o[1] == 3 and c < 0,ta.highest(12),0)
ds5 = ta.valuewhen(o == 5 and o[1] == 4 and c < 0,ta.highest(12),0)
if se11 and close < ema12 and o == 0
if c < 0 and o > 0
strategy.exit("出场1","s1",limit = 2*s1- ds1,stop= ds1,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场11","s1",stop= ds1)
if se21 and close < ema12 and o == 1
if c < 0 and o == 2
strategy.exit("出场2","s2",limit = 2*s2- ds2,stop= ds2,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场21","s2",stop= ds2)
if se31 and close < ema12 and o == 2
if c < 0 and o == 3
strategy.exit("出场3","s3",limit = 2*s3- ds3,stop= ds3,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场31","s3",stop= ds3)
if se41 and close < ema12 and o == 3
if c < 0 and o == 4
strategy.exit("出场4","s4",limit = 2*s4- ds4,stop= ds4,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场41","s4",stop= ds4)
if se51 and close < ema12 and o == 4
if c < 0 and o == 5
strategy.exit("出场5","s5",limit = 2*s5- ds5,stop= ds5,qty_percent = 50)
strategy.exit("出场51","s5",stop= ds5)
if c < 0 and ema12 > ema144
kaiguan = input.bool(true,"均线开关")
plot(ema144, "EMA144", color=color.new(#008000, 0),force_overlay=true)
plot(ema169, "EMA169", color=color.red,force_overlay=true)
//plotshape(series=entrySignal,title="买入信号",location=location.belowbar,color=color.new(color.green, 0),style=shape.labelup,text="BUY",textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))