
创建日期: 2025-02-24 14:58:26 最后修改: 2025-02-24 14:58:26
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高级机会空间振荡器策略:基于公平价值缺口的量化交易系统 高级机会空间振荡器策略:基于公平价值缺口的量化交易系统




策略的核心是通过监测连续K线之间的价格缺口来识别潜在的交易机会。具体来说: 1. 多头FVG(BFVG)形成条件是当前K线的最低价高于两根K线前的最高价 2. 空头FVG(SFVG)形成条件是当前K线的最高价低于两根K线前的最低价 3. 策略引入了基于成交量和缺口大小的验证机制,只有满足验证条件的FVG才会触发交易信号 4. 使用50个周期的动态计数窗口来累计多空FVG的数量 5. 通过归一化处理,将缺口宽度转化为更直观的指标值


  1. 系统具有完善的信号验证机制,通过成交量和缺口幅度的双重确认来提高信号质量
  2. 动态计数窗口可以有效捕捉市场趋势的变化
  3. 归一化处理使得不同时期的信号具有可比性
  4. 策略具有自动的仓位管理功能,在开新仓前会自动平掉反向持仓
  5. 可视化效果优秀,便于交易者理解市场状态


  1. FVG信号可能在高波动市场中产生虚假信号
  2. 固定的验证参数可能不适用于所有市场环境
  3. 没有设置止损和止盈机制,可能导致较大回撤
  4. 频繁的交易可能带来较高的交易成本 建议通过设置适当的止损位置和引入市场环境过滤器来管理这些风险。


  1. 引入自适应的参数调整机制,使策略能够更好地适应不同的市场环境
  2. 增加趋势过滤器,在强趋势中只做单向交易
  3. 设计更复杂的仓位管理系统,包括分批建仓和动态止损
  4. 加入交易成本的考虑,优化交易频率
  5. 结合其他技术指标来提高信号的可靠性



start: 2024-03-13 09:40:00
end: 2025-02-23 15:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_CTP","currency":"FUTURES"}]

strategy("FVG Oscillator Strategy", 
     shorttitle="FVG Osc v5 [Strategy]", 

// 1) Input Parameters
lnt   = input.int(50, "Bars Back")
area  = input.bool(true, "Show Areas")
upcol = input.color(#2962ff, "Positive Color")
dncol = input.color(#e91e63, "Negative Color")

// 2) FVG Detection
//    bfvg = bullish FVG, sfvg = bearish FVG
bfvg = low > high[2]
sfvg = high < low[2]

// 3) Additional Conditions - FVG Verification (Volume, Gap Size)
vol  = volume > ta.sma(volume, 10)
batr = (low - high[2]) > ta.sma(low - high[2], lnt) * 1.5
satr = (high - low[2]) > ta.sma(high - low[2], lnt) * 1.5

// 4) Sum of Bullish / Bearish FVG within the Last lnt Bars
countup   = math.sum(bfvg ? 1 : 0, lnt)      // +1 for each BFVG
countdown = math.sum(sfvg ? -1 : 0, lnt)     // -1 for each SFVG

// 5) Verification (e.g., Require Higher Volume or Large Gap)
verifyb = (bfvg and vol[1]) or (bfvg and batr)
verifys = (sfvg and vol[1]) or (sfvg and satr)

// 6) Normalized Gap Values
normb = ((low - high[2]) * countup * 0.75) / ta.highest(low - high[2], lnt)
norms = ((high - low[2]) * countdown * 0.75) / ta.lowest(high - low[2], lnt)

// 7) Total Net FVG Count + Calculation of Maximum for fill()
totcount = countup + countdown
max      = math.max(
               ta.highest(countup, 200), 
               ta.highest(math.abs(countdown), 200)

// 8) Plotting Values (as in an indicator – can be kept for visualization)
up   = plot(countup,     "Buy FVG",  color=upcol,  display=display.none)
down = plot(countdown,   "Sell FVG", color=dncol,  display=display.none)
zero = plot(0, "", color.new(color.gray, 100), display=display.none, editable=false)

// Net Value (sum of FVG)
plot(totcount, "Net Value", color=color.new(color.gray, 50))

// Filling areas above/below zero

plot(verifyb ? normb : na, "Long Pattern Width",  color=upcol,  linewidth=1, style=plot.style_histogram)
plot(verifys ? norms : na, "Short Pattern Width", color=dncol, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_histogram)

// 9) Simple Trading Logic (STRATEGY)
// - If "verifyb" is detected, go long.
// - If "verifys" is detected, go short.
// You can extend this with Stop Loss, Take Profit, 
// closing old positions, etc.
bool goLong  = verifyb
bool goShort = verifys

// Basic example: Open Long if verifyb, Open Short if verifys.
if goLong
    // First close any short position if it exists
    if strategy.position_size < 0
        strategy.close("Short FVG")
    // Then open Long
    strategy.entry("Long FVG", strategy.long)

if goShort
    // First close any long position if it exists
    if strategy.position_size > 0
        strategy.close("Long FVG")
    // Then open Short
    strategy.entry("Short FVG", strategy.short)